Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Muzaffarpur, Purnia

We are a prestigious company in Muzaffarpur, Purnia in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Muzaffarpur, Purnia

Muzaffarpur is located at 26°07′N 85°24′E. The city lies in a highly active seismic zone of India. In the disastrous earthquake on 15 January 1934, much of the town suffered severe damage and many lives were lost. It has an average elevation of 47 meters (154 feet). This saucer shaped, low-centered town lies on the great Indo-Gangetic plains of Bihar, over Himalayan silt and sand brought by the glacier-fed and rain-fed meandering rivers of the Himalayas.

Purnia has an area of 3,202 square kilometers (1,236 sq mi). This leveled depressed tract of the country consists for the most part of a rich, loamy soil of alluvial formation and is traversed by several rivers flowing from the Himalayas, which afford great advantages of irrigation and water carriage. Its major rivers are the Kosi, the Mahananda, the Suwara Kali, and the Koli. In the west, the soil is thickly covered with sand deposited by changes in the course of the Kosi. Among other rivers are the Mahananda and the Panar. Its major agricultural products are jute and banana.

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