Biological Safety Cabinet Manufacturers in Ramagundan, Nalgonda

We are a well-acclaimed company in Ramagundan, Nalgonda in the field of Biological Safety Cabinet Manufacturers. For any questions contact us.

About Ramagundan, Nalgonda

Ramagundam is located at 18.8000°N 79.4500°E. It has an average elevation of 179 meters. It is located on the banks of the Godavari river. Ramagundam experiences dry inland climatic conditions with hot summers and cool winters. The city of Ramagundam gets most of its rainfall from the Southwest monsoon. The summer season is extremely hot, but temperatures decline with the onset of the monsoons, and the winter season is generally cool.

The city’s name is derived from two Telugu words: Nalla means black and konda means hill In the past, Nalgonda was referred to as Nilagiri. Nalgonda contains several religious sites, including Shah LateefUllahQuadriSahabDargah and Kolanupaka Temple, a Jain shrine. Others include the Nagarjuna Sagar Dam, a Gowthama Buddha Museum, and the Bhuvanangiri Fort, built by TribhuvanamallaVikramaditya VI, panagallusomeswara temple and many mosques built by Alamgir in and around the district.

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