Vertical Laminar Air flow manufacturer in Bangalore, Kerala

Horizontal Laminar Air Flow manufacturer in chennai
Vertical Laminar Air flow manufacturer in Bangalore, Kerala

Sterile Tech Horizontal Laminar Airflow Hoods offer a HEPA filtered air is passed through the main chamber of the clean work behind in a horizontal laminar air stream and exhausted through from opening. It is ideal for operations needful a particle-free, bacteria-free, clean air atmosphere. The clean work area provides an excellent work space for minor laboratory utilisations, microscopes, pipetting, sterile drug preparations, IV admixture preparation, or any application requiring work-in-progress defence from outside potentially harmful contaminants.

Technical Specification

Direction of flow: Horizontal

Cleanliness: Class 100 as per US FED STD 209E (IS 14644-1)

Velocity: 90FPM±20

Noise Level: 65db max

Power Supply: 230V, 1Ø, 50Hz

Particle Retention: 0.3 micron

Supply filter: Minipleat type HEPA Filter efficiency 99.97% Down to 0.3µ H-13 Rating

Pre Filter: Micro glass fibre media of EU-4 Rating

Motor Blower Assembly: Centrifugal Blower statically and dynamically balanced with Suitable Rating