Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Alapuzha, Kannur

We are a well-established company in Alapuzha, Kannur in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For query contact us.

About Alapuzha, Kannur

Alappuzha is located at 9.54°N 76.40°E. The average elevation is 1 meter Alappuzha  covers an area of 1,414 square kilometers  and is flanked by 2,195 square kilometres  of Vembanad Lake, where six major rivers spread out before joining the 80 km coast line of the district. The city of Alappuzha  is crisscrossed by a system of canals.

Kannur has an elevation of 1.02 metres along the coast of the Laccadive Sea, with a sandy coastal area. The town has an 8 km-long seashore and a 3 km-long beach at Payyarimbalam. During British rule in India, Kannur was known as Cannonade, a name that is still in use by the Indian Railways. Kannur is the largest city of North Malabar region.

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