Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Rourkela, Cuttack

We are a grand company in Rourkela, Cuttack in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Rourkela, Cuttack

Rourkela is located at 84.54E longitude and 22.12N latitude in Sundergarh district of Odisha at an elevation of about 219 m (719 ft) above mean sea level. The area of Rourkela is 200 square kilometers approximately. Being situated on Howrah-Mumbai rail track, Rourkela had an added advantage of the steel plant being set up there. Red and laterite soils are found here which are quite rich in minerals. The area near Rourkela is rich in iron-ore hence a steel plant is situated in Rourkela. Bolani and Barsuan are the two most prominent mines situated near the town.

Cuttack is located at 20°31′23″N 085°47′17″E and has an average elevation of 36 meters. The city is spread across an area of 192.5 km2 (74 sq mi). The city, being a Cuttack Municipal Corporation which consists of 59 wards. The city stretches from Phulnakhara in the south to Choudwar in north and Kandarpur in the east to naraj in the west while the main city is located at the apex of the Mahanadi River delta. Apart from Mahanadi, four of its distributaries also run through the city.

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