Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers in Warangal, Nizamabad

We are the prime company in Warangal, Nizamabad in the field of Clean Room Static Pass Box Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Warangal, Nizamabad

Warangal is located at 18.0°N 79.58°E. It has an average elevation of 302 meters. It is settled in the eastern part of Deccan Plateau made up of granite rocks and hill formations which left the region barren making the cultivation dependent on seasonal rainfall. Agriculture is the main economic activity with irrigation depending mainly on monsoon and seasonal rainfalls. Major crops are paddy, cotton, mango, and wheat.

Nizamabad is located at 18°41′N 78°6′E. Nizam stands for Nizam, the governor of Hyderabad State and also Abad means ‘Long Live’. Nizamabad is bounded on the North by Nirmal district, on the East by Jagtial and RajannaSircilla district, on the South lies Kamareddy district, and on the West by Nanded district of Maharashtra State. The Godavari River enters into Telangana from Nizamabad district at Kandhakurthi.

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