Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturers in Asansol, Howrah

We are one of the eminent company in the field of Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturers in Asansol, Howrah.  For any questions Contact us.

About Asansol, Howrah:

Asansol is a cosmopolitan city located on the lower Chota Nagpur Plateau, which occupies most of Jharkhand, between the Damodar and Ajay rivers

Asan”, a species of tree which generally grows thirty meters tall, is found on the banks of the Damodar River; “sol” refers to land.

The name “Asansol” is a combination of these two words. Asansol is a city on the banks of Damodar and its land is rich in minerals.

 Howrah is located on the western bank of the Hooghly River, Howrah is an important transportation hub of West Bengal and a major gateway for its twin city of Kolkata.

Often termed as Sheffield of the East, Howrah is known as an engineering hub, mainly in the area of light engineering industry.

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