Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturers in Darjeeling, Siliguri

We are one of the reputed companies in the field of Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturers in Darjeeling, Siliguri.  For any questions Contact us.

About Darjeeling, Siliguri :

Darjeeling  has Coordinates of 27°3′N 88°16′E.It  is located at an elevation of 6,700 ft. Darjeeling is a part of the Eastern Himalayan zoo-geographic zone, The two most significant contributors to Darjeeling’s economy are tourism and the tea industry. 

Siliguri located at the foothills of the eastern Himalayas at a location of 26.71°N 88.43°E.  This city is spread over an area of 260 km2within the Siliguri Corridor, also known as the Chicken’s neck.

The city is surrounded by dense forests towards north and lifeline of Siliguri, Mahananda River flows through the city thereby bisecting it into two halves.

Also Teestariver is not so far from the city.  Siliguri has an average elevation of 122 metres As Siliguri is located in the Terai region, the soil is sandy in nature i.e. the ratio of sand and silt is much higher than clay. This region is very prone to earthquake as it owns several fault lines nearby.

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