Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturers in Mangan, Rabdentse

We are one of the reputed company in the field of Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturers in Mangan, Rabdentse.  For any questions Contact us.

About Mangan, Rabdentse :

Mangan is located at 27.52°N 88.53°E. It has an average elevation of 956 metres.Mangan is the capital of the district of North Sikkim in the Indian state of Sikkim. The town is connected to the capital Gangtok by a metalled road. North Sikkim is the largest district of Sikkim in terms of area. The town lies in the geographic south of the district. After the opening up of the district, Mangan has witnessed a spurt in its economy, mostly due to organic farming. The town opens up the Tibetan Plateau. Mangan also serves the towns of Lachung, Chungthang and Lachen in the far north. Owing to its elevation, the town enjoys a temperate climate.

Sikkim has many hot springs known for their therapeutic value. High in Sulphur content, the waters are believed to have great medicinal properties with the average temperature of the water in these hot springs close to 50c. There is some well known hot springs in North Sikkim. The Yumthang Hot Spring is located some distance away from Yumthang village. To reach the hot spring one has to walk a few hundred yards from the road and across a pedestrian bridge on the River Lachung. For the convenience of bathers, there is a hut with two pools which contains hot spring water. Hot water rich in sulphuretted hydrogen gas from a spring just behind the hut and is diverted to the pools.

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