Positive Air Pressure Module Manufacturers in Akola, Solapur

We are a well-acclaimed company in Akola, Solapur in the field of Positive Air Pressure Module Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Akola, Solapur

Akola is located at latitude 20.7° North and longitude 77.07° East. It is at an altitude of 925 ft to 1036.745 ft above sea level. Akola has a tropical savanna climate bordering humid subtropical climate and people predominately wear cotton clothes. Akola has a National Weather Station which serves as the local weather center. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in rural parts of the region.

Solapur is located at 17.68°N 75.92°E. It has an average elevation of 458 meters. It is bordered by Ahmednagar district on the north; Osmanabad district on the north and northeast. There are a number of medium and small-scale and medium industries found in the district, and it is one of the prime centers of the handloom and powerloom industry, cotton mills and the beedi industry.

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