Positive Air Pressure Module Manufacturers in Sonipat, Panipat

We are a well-established company in Sonipat, Panipat in the field of Positive Air Pressure Module Manufacturers. For query contact us.

About Sonipat, Panipat

Sonipat is located at 28.98°N 77.02°E. As of 2011 the population of Sonipat, within the city limits, was 278,149. The urban agglomeration, which includes suburbs outside of the city’s jurisdiction, had a total population of 289,333.

Panipat is a historic city in Haryana, India. It is 95 km north of Delhi and 169 km south of Chandigarh on NH-1. The three major battles fought in 1526, 1556 and 1761 took place near the city. The city is famous in India as the “City of Weavers” and “Textile City”. It is also known as the “cast-off capital” due to being “the global centre for recycling textiles”.

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