Powder Dispensing Booth Manufacturers in Bishnupur, Ukhrul

We are a prestigious company in Bishnupur, Ukhrul in the field of Powder Dispensing Booth Manufacturers. For any query contact us.

About Bishnupur, Ukhrul

Bishnupur is located at 23°05′N 87°19′E. It has an average elevation of 59 metres. Bishnupur is a region where Bengali has gained importance. It is famous for its terracotta temples Malla Shree Krishna Raslilla and the Balucharisarees. There is a snake festival in August, Ultorath and the Bishnupur fair in December. Also durga puja and kali puja or diwali is celebrated with pomp here.

Ukhrul is located at 25.12°N 94.37°E. It has an average elevation of 1,662 m above sea level. It has a wet summer and cold, dry winter. Ukhrul is a land of beautiful mountains interspersed by numerous tribal inhabitants echoing with the rhythms of tribal cultures and rich wildlife.Ukhrul is dominated by the TangkhulNagas. They have a rich culture. Each cultural activity is centered on the propitiation of the deity known as “Kameo”.

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